Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rock Throwing

There are Three Families living in a Beautiful Valley filled with Abundance. For a long time the Families live in Harmony. Each of them are very different from one and other. So they believe.

As time passes and they grow Fruitful, well one is a little more Fruitful than the other two...but they are all Fruitful.

Anyway, the least Fruitful family starts to get a little envious of the one with the most. He starts grumbling over tea to his other neighbour. Pretty soon the two are dissatisfied with their Fruitfulness.

So they decide to do some sneaky night raids to even up the score. The Richer Family doesn't respond at first. Maybe they were generous, or maybe they did not notice the things that were gone.

As time moved on, one day the other Family awoke and found they were missing some of their Fruit/wealth. As they looked for it, they found it over at the poorer neighbours, and they took it back right away. No one talked about what was going on. All Trust between the previous conspirators was broken.

Once again each Family grew and over time as Families do they taught their Children their Personal History.

Once again it seemed the Families lived in Harmony.

As Life would have it, the Same spirit of Envy rose again, through the same Fruitful Family as before, for the Rich Family had so increased in Fruitfulness, that it was difficult for anyone to ignore.

This time the Envious Family was on its own for the trust had been broken and the Families all had long Memories.

Determined to get a larger piece of the Fruitfulness, the Family stepped up its attack and threw Stones while they tried to grab more Fruitfulness.

The Rich Family did something odd before response. They went to their Fruitful neighbour and asked for help in dealing with their problem.

Happy for the Alliance to the Richest neighbours, and secretly delighted that they could payback the poor neighbour who back in Memory had perhaps wronged them (although it was never proven) they agreed and quickly started throwing Rocks too!

Soon the two neighbours were spending much of their time throwing Rocks Back and Forth! They spent so much time throwing Rocks that they didn't notice their Rich Neighbours got Richer and Richer.

One day though, one of their Children noticed and started to point it out. Both neighbours put down their Rocks for a moment and when they reached for the next Rock they turned as One and threw the Rocks at the Richest of their neighbours.

This gave them Great Satisfaction! They threw so many Rocks that over time they forgot why.

Until the Day the Richest Neighbour turned and started throwing Rocks too.

Since they were so Wealthy, the Richest Families Rocks were bigger. Plus as their Rocks kept being thrown, they still had time to harvest more & more Wealth, which perpetuates ongoing Envy.

Now All three Families living in the Area have been throwing Rocks for so long, No One knows why or how to stop any more.

All they all know is;they are Sore, Sorry, and Sordid.

They have thrown Rocks for so long that Every other Fruitful Neighbour has been dragged into the Story. EveryOne has an opinion, yet no One knows how to Stop the Rocks that seem to Fly on their Own!

I think they All need to Put the Rocks down long enough till they ReCall that they are Neighbours and Relearn what it means to "Love Your Neighbour as You would Love YourSelf!" And Live in Harmony and Peace.

Peace! Be Unto You.

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