Sunday, November 9, 2014

Note about Climate Change

I wrote this for the 2012 Climate Change debate....leaving it here as it still applies.

WISDOM gives Herself to those who seek Her.  Her jewels light up the darkest recesses of the Hearts and Minds of Mankind.

A cloud overshadows All Creation.  Only in serving GOD and teaching the Natural Laws of the Universe, will our Future be preserved for our Children’s Children.
We have been forewarned through countless studies and by countless research projects of the punishments that will befall the World.  All parts of Life has Begun to suffer for the misdeeds we have brought against each other.  So many Science Projects have been done that they are now re-released as new, manipulated and  regurgitated.  We can point fingers and blame another’s economic policies yet in the end of all speeches and all debate, we will only come to the same conclusions. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!

Scientists know that a form of mindless rhetoric and skepticism over Monetary Funding for research; far out-weighs practical solutions to help the tottering Earth and Global Environmental Crisis.  They also know, yet probably won’t admit that All of the Earth’s living Souls have been counted, cataloged and appraised.  Social experiments are ongoing and the Populaces is getting wiser.  Political unrest is growing as populations suffer and even some of the Scientists know they may become the next victims of the Earth or of the Populace.  Watching the nightly news tells everyone that fear is growing and climate change is real.

“The American Geophysical Union plan has attracted a large number of scientists in a short time because they are eager to address what they see as climate misinformation”…I suggest that the 700 scientists are the Ones that may still have a conscious or have the ability to see their personal worlds slipping away.  What would you do to earn a living when your funding is cut and money for global debate and entertainment specials point to a quick way to a possible Noble Peace Prize?
The Skeptics and Political pundits have vested interests and it only takes a moment to hear who they are working for and what interests or corporate governmental policy drives them.  Going toe-to-toe with a script will not change gas-emissions, famine, pestilence, water problems, etc.  Even first graders can list the problems.  It is said the Devil can hide in the details.

As One of the People with a limited amount of information, I am not as bogged down in Self Interest and on information Overload.  Sometimes the “SIMPLER SOMETHING Is, THE CLOSER TO THE TRUTH, It IS”!  The notion that Truth will prevail will be a reality when we talk the whole Truth.  Peace!

P.S.  Read from the Book of Wisdom 19:1-22…everything REPEATS ITSELF.

New World Order or Spiritual Oneness

I am sharing this to counter the Fear that is growing on the Earth around the rise of the New World Order. Counter to Man's New World Order is the Universal Plan of God, for Spiritual Oneness.

There is a difference in the Oneness of the Great Spirit of the Creator God and the New World Order of Man.  The Evil One (Satan, Anti-christ, Devil) only knows how to lie and has NEVER had an original thought.  Every lie that he shares is built on a Truth.  To make you stumble and fall he must distort what is good.  His last attempt in this Age is the concept for a New World Order for the corrupt World of Man.  Believe that this concept would be a feeble attempt by World Governments to uphold their corrupt Monetary Systems and maintain a degree of constraint over the Masses, and pertains to the Material/Physical state and raised through the Falsehoods of Religion and Cults.  Only the Elect will not be afraid....The beast Rev. 13:8  Rev.17:8

The Almighty God, Great Spirit and Creator of All Life, has a different plan.  God's plan is based on Love, Peace, and Justice.  We look forward to the Spiritual Oneness of All of the Children of God, which will gather with One mind, One Heart and One Soul, called from Every Tribe, Culture, and Nation.  These Children will unite as a Nation of Nations. Oneness in the Divine Order is a natural state that the Spiritually aligned or Purified and elevated Children of God naturally try to attain...through Faith, walking in a Sacred way, and entering the Narrow Path, clean and purified attained through Almighty God's Grace/Enlightenment/Christ.

As One way rises, another Way falls.  This happens at the same time...over lapping...the ebb and flo/balance/yin/yang/spiritual warfare/physical God makes All things happen, inviting   people to choose All action through the thoughtful use of free will, intent, meditation and prayer.  Evil Plots and God Defends!  He defends His Children, poor, needy, and Repentant, so the righteous can Praise and Worship His Holy Name and Mighty Works.  Every thought, word, and action will be to God's Glory and Good.

Choose to establish the Spiritual Oneness of the Children of Earth and the Peace of our Holy God and Sovereign Lord, our Creator, Great and Holy Spirit, our Preserver and Redeemer!  So live like the Kingdom is here now, Heaven on Earth, even as Wars rage around us. For we were taught to Walk in Peace and Love our nieghbour.  Eph. 2:14-17  Walk in Holy Ways. Walk in Beauty and Peace.

Love Always and Live Forever!

New World Order

The new World Order is based on War and the Financial concepts of the Trilateral Commission, G Nations and Empiracle Unions, the Corporate Elite and their followers.  Greed, Consumption and Un-quentionable Desire are sold as Ideals to base a Lifestyle on.  Quote: "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991."  Earthly Profit and False Power is the elite's normal.

The "Bottom line" (interesting term) is more important than LIFE.  When calculating the financial forecasts, Loss of Life is factored in and statistical data collected to forcast how much Loss of Life is ethical and how much insurance, law suits and fines will effect the bottom line.  This is taught as normal business procedure.  LIFE in the World of Man has become meaningless.

Here is a scary quote:  "One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of Gods selection process for planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." Psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard - member and futurist/strategist of Task Force Delta; a United States Army think tank. (again they talk of Selection of superior species) "People are the cause of all the problems; we have too many of them."  is quoted far too often by far too many and sets up mankind for the Evil One to do away With those that are found 'wanting'...and those that unknowingly/unthinkingly work for Evil.  Is this Conspiracy, Policy or Prophesy?

Quote:"The world has cancer, and the cancer is man." A. Gregg, Mankind at the Turning Point  The real cancer are the wrong thoughts that teach hardness of heart and lack of compassion for others. "Because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold" (Matt. 24:12 R.V.) It is a dangerous world when EGO says you are better than any other person. This gives rise to dictators and enables them to enact policies to rid the world of whatever they deem doesn't fit into their vision however warped it may be.  Remember that Purpose was given to each and every One.  All were made in the Image of God.

The New World Order seeks to control of People through their worship of idols and false profits/prophets.  Where they put their trust and hopes in persons, not God.  The rise of Secularism, Atheism and anti- Religion unless the religion has to do with Science and Technology.  No one has the right to restrict how another worships God.  Like the different trees in a forest, each one is given a different purpose and way to worship, as they stand side by side, in harmony.

Freedoms are constrained and basic Human rights ignored.  Super Prisons are the reforms sold to the beleaguered Populaces and secret torture chambers are called national Security must-haves, while Amnesty Protocols are ignored.  The average citizen lives in fear of the neighbors who have no recourse to Mental Health Facilities due to cut backs.

The feeding of Fear of the unknown and loss of creature comforts and the enslavement of the indebted (based on the with-holding of food and medicines by the World Food cartels).   Break down is the social order of the day....Sovereignty issues are ignored and through Court Precedent eroded and if at all possible erased.  Borders are moved and through social unrest often mitigated for Corporate take-overs of Natural Resources with-in countries, while the 'neighbors' help sending national armies to invade or internal governments invoke martial law to restore order. All these actions further erode a Nations freedom, in "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece".

Quote: "The depression was the calculated shearing of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank." Curtis Dall, FDRs son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law.  America is now becoming aware of how deeply the New Era Depression is.  Be aware that the New World Order is the Band Leader of this newly sung and well orchestrated Financial breakdown to enable the New World Order take-over.

Quote:"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S.A.  They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government." Harpers, July l958

Quote:"Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order." Mikhail Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations (December 1988)

Quote:"The new world order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all." Nelson Mandela, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 1994)

Quote: "Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing the new elite at the top of a new hierarchy of power." M. N. Rothbard.  No one really wants to give up their creature comforts, mass luxury and empire building. Re-Building when the natural World is screaming for us to stop...climate changes are a form of the Earth in Protest. Constant consumption based on Greed, Envy, one ever seems satisfied.  Keep the masses over-whelmed, divert their focus, and tax them to the nines.

People are brainwashed and trained to seek outside/external gratification.  Teachings of Secularism are lifted up by mass media and Vanities based on Self-gratification and Personal Empires are presented as right and good.  The rule of Have and Have-not is proclaimed to be natural. Entertainment and Thrills are sold as teachings of Knowledge and Wisdom.  Children are trained by Technology into desensitized warriors, that ultimately are more loyal to who can pay them with food, money and drugs rather than learn about familial pride and national unity.  Loss of innocence is exchanged for instinctual survival.

Stirring up sentiments for One religion, ideology, over another is an illusion and falsehood...often politically and monetarily motivated. This is for the purpose of War and is needed to maintain present economic policy. Desire creates unnecessary Want. Four evils keep the engine of the World of Man running.  War, Oil, Drugs and Money.  War creates Want.  Want for Oil to keep the War machines running and the Machines at War.  Want for  Money, Food, Energy/Oil and Drugs. Money is the fuel needed to stoke the Wars for Oil/energy, Food, Drugs.  Drugs are wanted to dull the Pain of the War that caused the Pain of Want.  Drugs fuel the masses to fight for Oil, Gold, Diamonds, resources that keeps the Money in motion. Or stated in another way, Money is needed for the Oil for the War machine that keeps the masses unaware and unfeeling with the Drugs they War over.  The War of Drugs seems personal when Need for more Drugs or Money becomes the greatest desire.  The Masses disillusioned, become Lost in Drug Wars, personal sticks of wood, fuel for the Evil World of Man.  Desire to participate in the Wars is sold and economic illusion becomes policy for War.  So how much of your life is enmeshed in the snare of War and how are you participating or are you running headless on the treadmill of War?

As in all war the populace is turned against one and other, trust is killed and "Big Brother is watching you".
This is a red flag that the Evil One is about to or has started his reign (study what happened just before Hitler came to power).  We report on each other in new ways that seem harmless yet erode the Individuals Privacy as everyone records, takes pictures, videos, and spies on each other, gathering future information to use against each other when squeezed.  When darkness is held in One's thoughts, everyone that One 'sees' is reflected through the filter of the evil held in the weakest chambers of the un-purified heart and mind.

People are taught to be cynical and ignore their own laws, such as the United Declaration of Human Rights that states it will "recognize and respect the freedom of the Individual to profess and practice, alone or in community with others, religious belief acting in accordance with the dictates of his or her own conscious."  Finale Act of Helsinki section VII

The World of Man teaches that to believe or have a weakness and Truth must be truth only if it is scientifically proven by 'experts'.  Mystery must be explained and theory abounds as the Earth is turned inside out while looking for hidden treasures while spewing out the past sins of nations, that lay buried beneath the sands of time and were covered over by God on purpose. Miracles are taught to be fallacies and the meek or common People are superstitious fools that need to be educated and made to conform to the New World Order's vision for a  Perfect Society where everyone thinks in the same way.  Heaven help those that do not think they were made to be worker/slaves!

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17 Dr. Paul Lewes in his book, A Key to Christian Origins (1932) wrote: Quote The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the [Greek] number of Jesus (Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6...+36 = 666)". Dr. Ellen Aitken said: “Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast. It's probably about 100 years before any other version." (on a personal note, I believe the 616, that it is the number of Caligula)

The book of Revelation in the Bible gives us this strong warning:

“If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10

If you get the mark of the beast God’s complete wrath will be poured out on you.  You are either for God or against Him.  There is no fence sitting in this Plan. Great pressure will be on you  to conform to their New world order example. You belong to God or the Beast/Evil One.

I am sure the New World Order has more in the way of plans.

Spiritual Oneness

God always preserves a Remnant; something out of catastrophe on which to rebuild.  As One watches or participates in  the human drama of life emergencies and traumas caused by Climate Change, or the Re-alignment of Earth during this Time of Purification, it is reassuring to know that God is in Control.  The Physical World will change greatly and we are to rise up in our Spiritual relationships seeking God and assisting each Other.

The Chosen of God after seeking His Arm of Protection will live in unbroken Security and Peace as He renews All Oneness in His Love through His Covenants, Laws and Reign.  Choosing Peace and natural consequence will show One's surrender to His Will.  His Will will be done!

"Change the speech of People's to a pure speech."  Zephaniah 3:9  Go back to Living His Word by Living your Word, and pledging your allegiance to the Living God!  Impress the Creator of All Life more than each other.  As each One strives to Live in ways pleasing to the Creator God, God's 'living nature' is restored in the 'eyes' of those that turned away, as He takes retribution.  The Creator of All Oneness will act to bring all Lands to Himself, for every One and every Thing is rightfully His.

John  17:23-24   and Ephesians 1:4-5

Money is not a priority in decision making...LIFE is!  Life is Sacred.  Strive to live a good life. What One holds in their Mind and heart for Others is the Judgment they will receive. All will be judged by the Laws they live by.  Romans 2:5-6  remember Always that God is the Judge of All Life.

Freedom and Free Will are upheld as a Human's Right.  All are equal in the Sacred Circle of Life.  The limitations of Race (there is only One race of Human) and Privilege will be destroyed as God's Chosen People are restored nationally.  As is typical of all the enemies of God, those who oppose His People and defy His Rule, in the past and now, God will take steps to pull down.  The mighty will be ousted from their seats of power and God will once again lift up the Meek/Humble. (We are seeing some of that now as more corruption is exposed and the general populace is made aware of their own greed and lifestyle choices.)  There will be Victory of the humble in God over the false pride of the ungodly, transforming the people who call upon His Holy Name (God has many Holy Names).  So Let Go and Let God!  He will do what needs to be done.  Each individual just needs to do the best in their life each day in the present moment, living as if God is sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear through each moment of the day, directing you through your walk. Stay in Oneness with His Holy Spirit pouring His Love through you.

Sovereignty will be re-established to God's Promises and Plans.  There is a promise of a !,000 years of a Peace-full existence. Spiritual Order and re-alignment is based on Sacred Mountains, Rivers of Life and Natural territorial Tribal affiliations (just means based on Family, Land and Love). Tribalism is the Only government God naturally gave to Mankind.  Tribalism worked well for 10,000 years.  In Prophesy it is Tribal Nations that will be restored.  Living in Spiritual Oneness will re-established Tribalism (not the concept of how the world sees tribalism today) as a form of government based on Spiritual concepts that were given to Mankind in the Beginning established by the Great Spirit of God and based on the Family concepts of Oneness and natural growth.  We were to grow greater in Spirit to be reconciled to God. Call upon the Lord through Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer for His Divine Guidance.  Work to unite your Spiritual Family and pray for your Physical Family.  Dream of the restoration of Heaven on Earth, for what you do here determines whether you will live in the Heaven in Heaven.  "For God so Loved the World he gave His only Son (His most precious Gift), that who so ever believes (has Faith) in Him will have eternal life (live Forever)." John 3:16

Universal Spiritual Oneness is based on the Laws of Love for All Life. The object of God's Love is Universal.  It is also Sacrificial.  You sacrifice for others in Love for them.  You share what you are able to share; meaning the sharing of food, medicine, adequate housing, and the protection of every culture's Children is a priority. Think of every Child as your own Child. How a Society cares for its' Children demonstrates that societies Heart and Mind. "What one does to the least of these One does to me." The Children are our Future.  Your Family Lines (the next Seven Generations) come through your Children.  That thought alone should make every Adult realize how precious they are and how important it is to teach them Righteousness and Goodness.  For what they dream of will manifest as the World we share in.  If they live and dream fear, a World of fear and darkness will be our future.  If they share a dream of Love and Light, beautiful will be the World we live in.

To become like a Child we have to see (spiritually) in Innocence.  One needs to remind themselves of God's Forgiveness of Others and see others as innocent, allowing People the room to seek forgiveness, to change and grow.  Ask yourself if you are usurping God when you cannot forgive the person that has asked forgiveness.  For if in contrition they have received God's Mercy and Grace, who are you to hold back your forgiveness?  Let retribution come from the Lord.  We were instructed to Love One and Others.

The care of the Earth, our natural environment, should be a priority for those seeking to Live as a Child of God for who are we too destroy all that God made?  Life and All of the Great Spirits (rock, plant, animal, crawling, winged, swimming life) were Created by God.  That makes All Life Sacred too!   The Land One lives on is a gift for your use and will be left to those that follow you.  Treat the Earth with respect. Taking life and wasting none, means using as little as possible...what is needed for survival...Walking Softly (Buffalo, Bamboo, Tree teaching)...the old way!  The Earth will naturally keep the populations of Mankind in Balance, without our meddling. This has been scientifically proven!!!  The Creator God has provided more than adequate supplies of everything to sustain the People's of the Earth. We just do not know how to share and over-power the evil desires of Greed, Lust, and Theft with-in ourselves and in Others.  So NO need to "help" maintain population levels...through population control, gene or virus manipulation, genocide, ethnocide etc.

All Promises/Prophesy of God will be matter what Tribe one belongs to.  God gave his Word, His Promise and His Covenants and His Laws to guide us.  Remember that even in the Ocean with raging waters all around, for those He Loves, He will make the Path known.  We just have to Walk in Faith and Obedience.  The Earth is the heart and love of God and She will not be destroyed by pathetic human folly.  Quote:  "There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine . . . been here 4 1/2 billion years. We've been here, what, a 100,000 years, maybe 200,000. And we've only been engaged in heavy industry a little over 200 years. 200 years versus 4 1/2 billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow were a threat? The planet isn't going away. We are." George Carlin

Quote: "The Environmentalists Dream is an Egalitarian Society based on: rejection of economic growth, a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally." Aaron Wildavsky  Many want the ideal yet are unwilling to Sacrifice for the Love and welfare of Others.  The 'green revolution' is a starting point.

Staying in Harmony is key to One's is One's purification in Spirit and the cleansing of One's Body and Mind of every un-natural concept (seeing the difference is the first step)  as One prepares to meet a Holy God one needs to be as whole/holy as possible.  Sharing, Hope, Caring, Love. Respect, Humility, Courage are practiced and needed as One learns to be satisfied from within.  Put off the old you and be remade, become new!  For the Traditional teachings that explain this concept think of the Spiritual teachings of the Butterfly, the Bear, the Phoenix. Quote; "There is no food in our world granted to her...She sips from the fine ambrosial dew from the heavenly nectar which has fallen from the star-bearing pole." Lactantius, The Minor Works.  All around each and every One of us, the Great and Holy Spirit of God placed a hundred teachers.  The birds are here to teach us not the other way around.  That said, so are all things natural, all people in your view, all that come before you, all Life is One teaching from the most Holy One to You.  It will never be said that One was not given the opportunity to learn how to Live in Harmony with All Life.  One chooses what one wants to focus on.

In Spiritual Oneness, God's Children will be gathered together, from the Four Corners of the Earth. One Family serving One God...through Faith. The Almighty God through the natural world and natural processes will select who lives and who dies!!!!  Man is made in the Image of God.  Therefore Man/Mankind is Sacred.  No need to control the population, as All Life is Sacred. The most difficult thing for Mankind is to stop themselves from destroying and altering what the Creator God made perfect. A Perfect God doesn't or didn't make any mistakes. We need to re-learn how to stop doing.  Protect what is there without interfering.  Mind the business in your own space.

"They overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Rev. 12:11). "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" Matthew 10:28. The Creator will reveal His spiritually chosen/elect to guide His He has Always done. Awake and arise all you who are asleep!

Thinking that One can stay in the middle won't wash this time around.  This Prophesied Universal Shift/Judgement Day/Re-alignment/Polar Shift is personal and universal...for All Life.   All MY Relations!

Quote "The secret to David McTaggarts (early officer in Greenpeace) success is the secret to Greenpeace's success: It doesn't matter what is true. . .it only matters what people believe is true . . .You are what the media define you to be. [Greenpeace] became a myth, and a myth-generating machine." Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

All myths have a foundation in Truth.

Written by Dr. Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk

Words or Noise?

Once again I have been thinking of all the noise and by noise I mean the noise of WORDS.  Everyone uses words to form an opinion.  Opinions flourish on every subject.  Every subject is built and dissected through words. Colorful, expressive, masterfully artistic, plentiful words.  So plentiful in fact, that whole thoughts get lost in the great telepathic ball of technology and space.  Imagine if we could actually see words, like in cartoons, floating in bubbles or on streams of air; waves, tidal waves of words, shaped and growing as the living entities that words can become.  We would have no room on the earth or in the sky, for words have grown so massive that they squeeze actions to death.

Some of the words spoken, sung, written, painted, and pictured die quickly.  Some are repeated often. Other words used repeatedly, seem to lose the power that was once bestowed upon them.  All of these words make a clamorous cry, needing ears to gather them up, sucking and storing them in cavernous minds and hearts that have long ago stopped hearing, believing in the hollow echoes of so many words made callous by over use.  Words falling in wordfalls (like waterfalls) drowning out other words.  Too many words form thoughts filled with the spirit of lies, false pretenses designed to soothe. Now one can choose which falsities one wants to listen to and which soothsayers to follow. Words of choice to tune in and/or to tune out. Words filled with truth, now sound loud, harsh, and inharmonious, except to the most discerning of ears. Seekers want to be entertained more than enlightened.

Words were once Sacred; for they stayed on the tongue for long periods of time before being shared for  strengthening the bonds of love in Families and keeping safety in Nations.  Words when used properly and for good purpose have God Almighty's great Power endowed in them.  The power enables words to change helplessness into hopefulness. Words hold blessings.  Words attract. Words give power to Intent. Through the thoughts held in the power of a word all life was created.  Words manifest. What matters to your heart, physically manifests in your personal world.  The Spirit of  your Heart, can be understood by the Words of Love, that rise up and are shared with others.  As the energy of your thoughts enters the 4 scared chambers of the Heart, it dances a sacred dance, a holy dance.  This is why, what you think, matters to your heart and what you feel, matters to all life, for what the heart feels, energizes that which is shared by the tongue, and what the tongue shares is so very powerful!  The tongue holds power (control) over life and death, when ruled with compassion.  When compassion and mercy are forgotten, the tongue can cut you so deep that healing can be rendered impossible.  Many emotional wounds have been inflicted by tongues that wag without the mind and heart. The heart is connected to the tongue.  What is hidden in our Hearts without forgiveness causes our Pain and Sorrows.  To grow greater in Spirit, we must purify our Hearts and practice to see in Spirit, each One in Innocence.  You see, I do not know which Christian has just confessed their Sin and if they have confessed, through Christ they are Sinless...God sees them clean, how can I usurp God by seeing them in any other way?  This is what I have struggled with for many years.  So I can only judge my self and work on my own purification.  I pray that Others work on righting their Relationship to God themselves. Then we will truly be Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Love and Oneness.

The same goes with Others that follow God through different Spiritual and Religious Teachings. Respect is allowing each other to learn, to love and follow God in whatever form of expression.  We were all given Paths and Teachings and Teachers to follow.  If we live what we say we believe, Peace and Free Will, will be given.

Through words we seek answers for all of the troubles of the World and worlds we share in.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a day, a whole day when we all shared not one word.  A day of reflection.  A Word Day. A day that might bring answers to questions that have been over stated.  A day when we weighed some of the words that float around.  A day of listening for the echoes of words that hold power.  A day of seeking words of depth and meaning.  A day to hear the Spirit of the words that have permeated into our pores and polluted our hearts with hardness.

I would like to declare a Free the Word day.

Did you know that it will be our words that will bring judgment upon our heads?  Each word we have shared speaks volumes about the Beings we are. Words are filled with Spirit, holy or otherwise. So reflect on the words that hold your world together and if another's words shake the world you live in, know that your world is built with a false foundation. Share Words of Truth.

 It is only The Word of Truth that can set you free!

Written by Dr. Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk
6. 7. 2014

 "It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."
 "It makes no difference as to the name of the God, since love is the real God of      all the world."
 "Listening to a liar is like drinking warm water."  

James 3:1-12New International Version (NIV)

"Taming the Tongue

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."

Saturday, November 8, 2014

This is Me, Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk, Lightening Woman

My Writings and most of my daily thoughts are Universal in theme. I try to walk a Spiritual Path and believe in Yeshua and The Holy Spirit, hoping to leave Beauty behind me. I have been practicing Traditional and Natural Medicine for over 40 years. I love Bare-foot Doctors. I am sometimes controversial and always thought provoking. I believe we should be Awake.  I am sometimes political, usually balanced in my views and I work to be a Peacemaker.  Always meant to inspire and enlighten. Forever trying to bring People and Cultures together to promote Oneness and Peace on Earth.

Paula H. Johnstone-Whitehawk
Love Always and Live Forever!


It is the media that chooses to promote the term Racism to obscure political, social and spiritual process. Mass media disseminates and processes information on a continual basis, programmed in relation to the political, social and economic policies impressed upon them through government regulation. The media is the instrument of social fragmentation.

The term Racism is a misnomer, as there are no other races on Earth, other than the Human Race. Racism is a deceptive political policy, devised by political and economic scientists, to disrupt social order, to conceal and justify the implementation of covert political agendas, to stabilize or improve the economic advantages of the privileged elite, and thereby maintain the political position of the ruling party. The division of societies members is the protection of the elite and the power of world governments.

Racial violence is used to distract the general public from the deprivation concealed in legislation, favoring corporate development over the survival of politically oppressed citizenry. Racial violence is ignited to justify government campaigns of public misinformation, waged through government regulated or owned media, designed to sway public opinion to favor the governing practice of elite accommodation, in political process and economic advantage, through the vilification of its intended victims. One arm of the Government portrays itself as the unwilling hosts of economic exploitation and political opponents are portrayed as the unpleasant s deliberately standing in the way of economic growth. Any group can be targeted, promoted in 'racial' campaigns and designated as socially inferior or politically inept.

“Racism” is a deliberate political act, programmed to enable colonial and industrialized world governments, to justify the unequal distribution of wealth, through the vilification of their intended victims. Verifying the faulted reasoning, ruling governments present to the general public, regarding the unjust distribution of wealth, derived from confiscated resources belonging to their victims. Vilifying the victims, enables a government to establish them as detrimental to the public peace and general welfare of the state. Why would a government capable of the mass manipulation of public opinion, through this process, find it necessary to deal fairly with their victims and share, on equal terms, the wealth in future economic prospects. This prejudicial political process, allows governments the freedom, to discriminate against a people, to acquire their resources without payment, fair or otherwise. Government sponsored, socially engineered programs are used to misdirect public perception as to origin of social issues, thus 'race card' is depicted as innate to various ethnic traits, groups and social classes, to confuse public reaction to social issues and enhance social division through misinformation.

Many Individuals make a lot of Money using their personal 'Race" card and will not want to give up their special but Natural status. The word race is a singular term that refers to a singular family of man, with a common ancestry, of spiritual and biological descent from the first man and first woman. A pluralized term for race, in reference to mankind does not exist.

Ignorance and prejudice are not spontaneous or natural occurrences, they are choices. Racial prejudice is conduct-based, racial superiority, instilled through example and not behavior learned through previous experience, as it is said to be. Ignorance is not an inborn hatred nor is it an excuse for not knowing the truth. Ignorance is choosing not to recognize the truth. On every level of social strata, government to citizen, landlord to tenet, employer to employee, racism and ignorance are subtle political and business techniques, directed, practiced and rehearsed. When racism and ignorance become techniques for hiring, selling or legislating it is discrimination. Discrimination is not discernment, nor is it wise, as those who practice racial discrimination would have you believe.

The World is crying for positive change. Each of us has a responsibility to everyone else to act as instruments for change. Change is a Choice. Society must choose to work together in more Enlightened ways, as we are now threatened with our Kinds extinction, through various global problems, depending on whose view one wants to focus on.

To rid the world of Racism, with one small step, groups of People have to start standing up by identifying themselves simply as HUMAN BEINGS, members of the Earth, humans sharing the Planet with others of their KIND. We are born to the One Race, the Human Race.

This will not eliminate the Hatred that has been taught and promoted by many over the decades. Knowledge is Power. Truth is the Light that changes perceptions. Love can and always will change the World.

Peace! Be Unto You.

My after thought ...

Most of the problems Mankind is facing is due to the fact that many have Hearts that Enthrone themselves; their ego pleasure, putting themselves in the Center of their Ego Universe/Circle, replacing our Holy Creator God. This changes our Incorruptible God into the corruptible image of Mankind/our fallen selves. This done Mankind will not recognize their obligations to others, will exploit their Minds and Bodies, to serve their desires. Then the ego seeks to wallow in false pleasures that will grow into senseless troubles. Wisdom is replaced by foolishness. Then our Holy God closes his Eyes and Ears to them.

To be near a Holy God we need to be working on Holiness/Wholeness through repentance. One day at a time.


written by Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk

Tribes of Earth

Some thoughts on Tribal Government

The only Government that the One and Only Sovereign God gave to All Mankind, was Tribalism.  Life is a Sacred Circle. What was in the Beginning, will be in the End. Our Sovereign God, is the Alpha and Omega. The Creator of All Life determines His Sovereignty, on those He Chooses. God has made Covenants, Vows, and Sacred Laws by His Name and Word and these Stand Today, and cannot be changed by Mankind.

Mankind conveniently try's to negate their obligations to those Words of God however, it is a losing battle. Many Nations have become dust. And many more will follow. New Nations will rise and those favoured will flourish again. God lifts up those He Loves and keeps His Promises Always!

Every place on Earth inhabited by Mankind, flourished with Tribes; "tribe— noun-any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, with adherence to the same leaders, etc."  not only were they Family, they were united in Spirit to the Land they lived in and on.  This True form of Government existed and stood the tests of time, for Thousands of Years. All the spiritual teachings, belief systems, cultural practices a People came to understand grew through the relationship the Tribes had within their geographical and environmental territory as Tribal Peoples grew. The Earth's Natural Topography helped to define the various Cultures. "The American Indian is of the soil, whether it be the region of forests, plains, pueblos, or mesas. He fits into the landscape, for the hand that fashioned the continent also fashioned the man for his surroundings. He once grew as naturally as the wild sunflowers, he belongs just as the buffalo belonged...." Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux 1868-1937

As these Families grew and Banded together with other Families, they became established Tribes. The Tribes then aligned usually through Marriages, Treaty and Covenants. Tribes can be large or small. There is no limit to size or membership. It is understood that the more Tribal Members the Mightier the People. It is the Leadership and Principals of Understanding for Common Purpose and Survival, forms referred to as Confederacies, Condos, Federations and Foundations that Unites a People into a greater tribal Nation.  Each Nation, associated with a particular territory, is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly their own. This is the Natural progression to and of Self-Government.

However, Spiritual Circumstance has always been the Ultimate and Central Focus for Sovereign Right. It seems Spiritual Unity, and Political Power, Reign, walk hand in hand. This is another form of a Familial Tie. Everything is and was based on Tribal Affiliation. The Body or Tribe of People are united by common belief systems.

Tribal Leaders were chosen for their Qualities of Humility, Caring, Valour and Honour. War Lords are not Tribal Leaders! Peace Makers are Leaders. All People in a Tribe were to try to emulate the "Best" of qualities. Starting as Human and rising to be Whole/Holy be Like our Maker. This level of Personal Standard brought Honour to One's Family and to One's People.  This is how Mankind becomes Free and lives with the Gift of Free Will. Self control becomes Liberty and Liberty is the demonstrated Gift of Freedom. Choosing to Live in Love is the Wisdom of Freedom.

With all the Corruption of today and the games of Divide to Conquer still enforced giving fear form, it is no wonder Harmony is a Pipe Dream!

“English Monarchs 400ad-1603

"The history of the English Crown up to the Union of the Crowns in 1603 is long and eventful.

The concept of a single ruler unifying different tribes based in England developed in the eighth and ninth centuries in figures such as Offa and Alfred the Great, who began to create centralized systems of government.

Following the Norman Conquest, the machinery of government developed further, producing long-lived national institutions including Parliament.

The Middle Ages saw several fierce contests for the Crown, culminating in the  Hundred Years War."” And time moved today.

I quote this to remind others that no matter how far removed One thinks they are from Tribal Government, they AREN'T! The modern forms of Government are based on Tribal Systems. Every Government in the World is based on Tribal Systems. Tribal systems are still related ultimately by Familial Ties. Tribes are made through Love and Natural Selection, not by Blood Quantum quotas. Considering how short a time First Nations in Canada have had to re-organize, (it was only in 1962 that the People could leave the Reserve without a note from the Indian Agent to look for work) and establish business and management for themselves, progress has been phenomenal.

When Governing systems fall or fail for any reason, everyone automatically falls back to Tribal affiliations. They fall back into what is Familiar, Family. "There are many things to be shared with the Four Colours of humanity in our common destiny as one with our Mother the Earth. It is this sharing that must be considered with great care by the Elders and the medicine people who carry the Sacred Trusts, so that no harm may come to people through ignorance and misuse of these powerful forces." Resolution of the Fifth Annual Meetings of the Traditional Elders Circle, 1980

Tribal government has been adulterated, made to look Primitive and Poverty Stricken. This is far from the Truth. "All things in the world are two. In our minds we are two, good and evil. With our eyes we see two things, things that are fair and things that are ugly.... We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and we have the left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an evil way, the other foot may lead us to a good." Eagle Chief (Letakos-Lesa) Pawnee

Now in Canada, we have two very different systems, trying to live under one roof. Capitalism coated in Democracy, verses various forms of Tribal Government. Different Families trying to survive and prosper.  "We know our lands have now become more valuable...people think we do not know their value; but we know that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone." Canassatego

So some Families or Tribes have different viewpoints on what the definitions for Prosperity, Success, and Value are. This is the Crux of discontent. Recently, I have seen the definitions for what a "good" Indian is and what is not "good". Apparently, Assimilation is good and anyone that doesn't share that vision is bad. "The people, who are trying to make us over into their image, they want us to be what they call "assimilated," bringing the Indians into the mainstream and destroying our own way of life and our own cultural patterns. They believe we should be contented like those whose concept of happiness is materialistic and greedy, which is very different from our way." From the 1927 Grand Council of American Indians

"....I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation. We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches. We want peace and love." Red Cloud(Makhpiya-luta), April, 1870

On News casts People are told that the "Best" Indians are the Biggest Entrepreneurs. Every time someone protests Corporate development, the Indian that is trying to feed his Family is highlighted as the new "partner" of success.  There is nothing wrong with Freedom of Choice for Lifestyle however with the Climate Change Issues and the Poisons spewing from the Various forms of Development, the Dividing of Families is just one more issue that Everyone has to eventually deal with. Those making 6 figures may be financially well off, however not All agree that their form of Success is going to be the Future Measure.  "Traditional people of Indian nations have interpreted the two roads that face the light-skinned race as the road to technology and the road to spirituality. We feel that the road to technology.... has led modern society to a damaged and seared earth. Could it be that the road to technology represents a rush to destruction, and that the road to spirituality represents the slower path that the traditional native people have traveled and are now seeking again? The earth is not scorched on this trail. The grass is still growing there." William Commanda, Mamiwinini, Canada, 1991

The Treaties that hold statements of surrender were signed under attrition (a wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment) and in Just Courts would be made null and void, and possibly renegotiated. The following quote is one example of attrition, yet every Tribe has their own History and spend a lot of time and money in Courts trying to share their Truth. "In 1868, men came out and brought papers. We could not read them and they did not tell us truly what was in them. We thought the treaty was to remove the forts and for us to cease from fighting. But they wanted to send us traders on the Missouri, but we wanted traders where we were. When I reached Washington, the Great Father explained to me that the interpreters had deceived me. All I want is right and just." Red Cloud(Makhpiya-luta) , April, 1870

"Our land is everything to us... I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember that our grandfathers paid for it - with their lives." John Wooden Legs, Cheyenne

"The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors." From Chief Plenty Coups, Crow

"These words from our past, tell us of the pain and loss we, the Children of the Earth, feel in our hearts and express our concern for, not only our future but the future of the world as we watch the land being raped in the name of progress."

Not All People want the same thing. And that is OK! Some want a Future for the Next Seven Generations. With Respect, All Our Relations! I wish you Peace and Love.

Sovereignty Belongs to the Lord God Almighty

Sovereignty is given to any and every Nation by the Creator God. This is recognized by the Churches of the World and by every other Sovereign Nation on Earth.

Sovereignty values and supports the contributions, and respects the rights of men and women, to form their own governance structures, agreements and practices that depend on and promote sustainable and equitable trade, locally and internationally, to delegate power for their Nations best interests and to promote Peaceful, Healthy and Authoritative measures for their Future Generations viability.

Sovereignty belongs to The Lord God to give and take as He sees fit. To Adam God revealed Himself--the Eternal Creator-Ruler of All Earth and All the Universe!

Abel-was Righteous, Enoch-walked with God, Noah-was taught Righteousness (Psalm 119-172), then Abraham-followed the Rule and Sovereignty of the Eternal God of All Life, passing that knowledge and Way to His Children. (Genesis 12:1-3)
(Genesis 17: 1-8) the World of Man can not change God's Covenants.

Passed from Isaac (Genesis 27: 29) and to Jacob (Genesis 28: 13-22)
how can this be changed by Man?

The Scepter shall not depart from Judah! (Genesis 49: 10)  and that Scepter- the Promise of Christ and of Grace was passed on (John 4;22 & Romans 1:16)

This is the Gift of God, undeserved and unmerited.

And there is a lot more to the Story.

However, I just want to Remind People that it is The Lord God of All Life that is Sovereign and His Right to do with Anything or Anyone as He so Pleases!

To those that want to Change what God made Firm, I call only feel Sorrow.

The Choice is Yours to Make. Choose Wisely.

For All Nations

May we as One, pray to the The Lord God of All Life, to grant Us with the Spirit of Peace and Understanding; and for those who take Counsel for the Peoples' of the Earth, that Thou would Inspire them with a True desire for Justice and a Love of Concord.

And for All the Leaders and for All others in positions of Authority, that The Lord God of All Life may so Rule their Hearts and Minds that they may rightly use the Trust committed to them for the Good of All People.

May Hope be to Us an anchor of the Soul, Faith guide Us like Light everlasting, and Love the Bond of Peace.

May we ever Work and Pray for Peace.

 Peace! Be Unto You.

“Winter is followed by Spring,
Night is followed by Day,
The Moon wanes,
Then begins to wax again.
So will it be in Political life.” I Ching  v

“For a true Master, sitting on a Throne is no different than sitting on the dirt.”  Tao

Written by Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk
Nov. 2. 2014

A Poem - Gubble Bubble

Gubble Bubble

I have a Friend who is very Smart!
He likes all things about Quirks and Quarks.
You know the Wavy lines and Strings of Theory?
They turn him into a Master Mind and make him Cheery.

Yet I come to Knowledge, most every part,
It pours when sharing from my little Heart.
I can see the trails of DNA, Dark Holes, and Galaxy's
As clearly, when I jump into Dreams through the Milky Way.

Now my Friend he says, when I share about God, Spirit, and Oneness,
As I struggle to answer his questions in my simple, clear and honest-ness.
That "I am messing in play and bursting with Gubble Bubble!"
Which makes me laugh and laugh, at his expressions so lovingly,

Meant to inspire, correct and further develop me,
On an Invisible path to mountains of money.
Yet never have I wanted the illusions of matter, the weight of a company.
I am most happy when Wisdom comes dancing in a simple bluesy melody.

We may be Universes of Wisdom, seemingly so far apart,
Yet we connect through smiles, glittery and shiny eyed starts.
Boisterous laughter, shouts and banter, hugs and our meaningless
Gubble Bubble, bubbling up, gubbley bubbley!

Love my Quarky Friend!

The Compassion of the Cobra

The Peace that I share comes from the internal knowledge that there is a Creator God, whose Wisdom and Word created All Life.  With that understanding I try to Respect All Life, knowing that in doing so, I share the Harmony of the Creator God's Wisdom and show Love for the Oneness of the Universe. As far as understanding Compassion, I learned about Compassion from the physical manifestation of the Spirit of Compassion, that the Creator gave form to and the purpose to hold that teaching for All of the Children of Earth. That Spirit and Being of Compassion is the Great Teacher, the Cobra.  The Cobra teaches Compassion in a number of Ways.  One Way that demonstrates Compassion is seen in the Way the Cobra takes a Life, to quickly end Suffering, as He was given the Purpose to.  He will in Compassion take the life of the One causing suffering to others or he will take the life of One that suffers, to keep them from suffering further pain.  The 12 Species of Cobra, symbolically represent the sides and order of a Sacred Mountain and have as it’s Head the largest of the Family, the King Cobra. They are intelligent, curious, and deadly: symbolizing Wisdom (yellow), Healing (olive), Respect and Power (black/brown and orange).

They are normally very Peaceful beings, yet when provoked they will get very angry.  Should the subject of their derision continue to disrespect others or the King Cobra, they will spread their Hood, making themselves appear larger than normal, extended a warning of the Power they have been given over others, shown through this gesture.  They do this while pushing their hidden energy through their thoughts, moving it confidently through telepathic waves outward as they say that they hold no Fear, as they come instantly into Super Awareness, as seen in their staring eyes.  They assess everything in their surroundings in an instant, and will make moves to intimidate the object of their anger, arching their neck to stillness once the assessment is complete.  By the Time of their thrust and strike, when the King, finally bites, it has already Judged it’s prey, and instinctively knows exactly how much of it’s venom, it will let go, to it’s antagonizer.  This is the Gift of Compassion it was given to share in Judgment.  For in the holding of Compassion, they have weighed their prey on their Internal Scales.  Through their Love for All Life, they will not allow One to suffer, nor allow them to cause Other’s suffering.  So, in the Spirit of Compassion, they may take One’s Life, or they will allow them to suffer a smaller form of Judgment, through Karma as they are left to Think through their actions, as they lay in their Healing Bed. They normally will only eat other Snakes, but have been given the Gift of Judgment, by the Creator God over All Life. The King Cobra is so powerful that they can kill an Elephant with one bite. Yet, Compassionately, they can bite gently enough to let a Human live.   

The Great Serpent Muchalinda taught another form of Compassion, the Compassion of Protection. Peace!

Sent with Writer

Love Always & Live Forever!

Spiritual Diplomacy and Colours of Love

One of my favourite activities as a young Child, was colouring pictures. I loved the idea that I could make a paper come alive from the vast choice of colour from my crayons. As I grew older that love increased as I came to learn about geography, history, and science. When I discovered the vast diversity of cultures, I learned to love the Earth and every living Being, and the wonder of colour increased. I was amazed that the World held so many Wonders!

My wonder exploded as I learned about the diversity in lifestyles, regalia, belief-systems, and cultures. Later I learn of famous People's that were Explorers, Scouts, Dignitaries, Chieftains, Kings and Queens, Individuals, Tribes, and Nations that for various reasons surpassed Cultural Barriers forging Friendships and New Paths. I learned of Diplomatic, Religious, Spiritual and Cultural Ceremonies. I also learned of horrifying stories of exploitation, greed, pain and wars. I learned that all these things happened on the Small Planet, Earth; the World that I shared with Billions.

Think about it! We share this place we call Home, with Billions of other Beings. Billions of Beings that are Human, almost 7 Billion! And then we share with other Kingdoms; Mineral, Plant, Insect, Star, Swimming, Flying and Animal Peoples. We share and depend on each Other for Everything in Life! And as I was taught and continue to learn, all we have to do is Respect Life and Love!

As a Child, and as an Adult we are to Walk in Love! This seems easy to me. I walk with an open Heart and a broad Mind.

I love the different People's I meet. I do not expect nor want them to be "just like me"! I do not want nor expect them to believe, worship, or wear the same fashion of clothes or cultural symbols like me. I relish    Learning about their differences! I want to explore the Cultural differences, in their Appearance, Homes, Stores, Ceremonies, in their Communities, and if I ever get to travel, in their Countries. I love the Festivals and the  Foods, Symbols, Souvenirs, and Religious Icons I get to learn about. I want to teach my Great Grand Children about this amazing Earth and the small Worlds we Share with others. I want to do that in Love and Respect. I want the Freedom to Move, Think, Share and Care, for All the People that The Lord and God, I Love, Created! And I believe that Others want the same rights, so they too, can teach their Great Grand Children, in Freedom and Love also.

I hope We do not want to paint the World Gray and have every One painted in Same. How boring.

I Love the Colours and Diversity of Life! I would like to see All of Humanity paint the World in the Harmonious Colours of Love and Peace. We can come together in Oneness and Celebrate our Differences.

Peace. All My Relations!

Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk, DNM, RAP, RNP

Love Always & Live Forever!

Spirit of the Butterfly

The Great Spirit of the Butterfly

The Butterfly teaches about Freedom and Victory. The butterfly teaches that we are to grow greater and make life more beautiful because our passing.

This is a spiritual writing and is meant to be read a minimum of four times. This is only a partial teaching of the wisdom of the Butterfly.

Butterflies That Flutter Bye

Until human beings accept they are spirits that live forever, they will never know what victory or freedom is. The butterfly is the symbol of freedom and are the wings of victory. The butterfly chooses to be born twice in one lifetime and lives two complete lives. In this way butterflies illustrate that you live forever and life is continual. 

The physical aspects and forms of the butterfly teaches you the meaning of metamorphosis during the four stages of it's life. Metamorphosis is the more than physical change that happens between the stages of caterpillar and butterfly. During it's first life, an egg hatches and the larva is born growing into a pubescent caterpillar. As an earthbound creature, the caterpillar crawls along the ground. After the completion of it's life as a caterpillar, a great change will occur. The caterpillar larva will begin to weave and an entire new life will begin. 

The caterpillar encases itself in a chrysalis that becomes a chamber for it's metamorphosis into a butterfly. The caterpillar knowingly chooses to die. It knows that change is a simple part of life, necessary in order that one may grow greater. So willingly the caterpillar pupae builds the chrysalis and it's first life comes to an end. Much like a teenage boy becoming a man or teenage girl becoming a woman, not only do they have to change physically, leaving childhood behind, they have to go through a spiritual change through the exceptance of a conviction to fulfil their destiny. In this chrysalis the pupae, much like the pupil/ pupal(male or female) in transition, must choose to be transformed. When metamorphosis is complete, a beautiful being emerges reborn and fully winged, signifying it's elevation as a spirit, beginning it's new life as a butterfly, it flies! Elevated through flight, the butterfly knows, it is free of the bonds of Earth. 

Being bound to Earth, you exist throughout time and in time (rhythm). You cause the future and are the future of all living things. The acceptance of this responsibility, would make you beautiful in being and Godlike in oneness. You are given the will to carry out your conviction and attain your purpose. You like the Butterfly must choose. Allow your ego self to die, in order to become the spirit you are meant to be. Once you start to live your convictions, fulfilling your purpose, surrendering every part of your former life, you are no longer bound to the material world. You emerge a greater being, choosing to enter the spirit world of the Creator. You like the Butterfly are free! 

There are colours and designs on the wings of the butterfly. The colours are their convictions and the designs are their purpose, which they carry victoriously for all to see. The wings carry circles and dots, referred to as extra "eyes". They were given these marks to tell you they are "eyes of God". The eyes are symbols used throughout the world to indicate the Great Spirit of the Creator, and seeing that these beings are marked by God, everyone knows that all should treat them with the utmost respect. The eyes are known as the "windows to the soul", so seeing these great spirits, marked by God with extra eyes, tells you that the teachings they carry on their wings will be important to your soul. 

Each time butterflies flap their colourful wings, as they begin to soar into the air, they leave a sign of their passing. Tiny flecks of "scale wings" drop off, reflecting different colours, leaving a trail of iridescent light behind. This shedding of prismatic scales helps the butterfly when caught in a predator's web. The Creator provides perfect protection for all of His Children, when they choose to act in a good and right manner. As the Butterfly shakes their scales of justice, they slip out of their enemies grasp and fly off on their wings of victory! 

To know freedom you must know that you live forever. You have lived since the Creator first thought you into existence. Your spirit was then born through the Earth, your first and true Mother, who provided you with a body for your Spirit, to flow through. You are not some body, you are some one. A spirit flowing through a body. One spirit that belongs to the whole body, of Oneness. Being a Spirit, you know you take after your Father, the Creator God, who lives forever. He made you in His image, so like Him, you live forever. You do not die.

It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it sends a wave that is felt around the world and throughout the Universe. This indicates that you are time and through the use of time as your guide, you should understand that whatever you do in this lifetime will reverberate throughout time, multiplying through time. The Butterfly’s wings are shaped in the form of an hourglass, indicating Time. In flight, their wings rotate in a figure eight pattern, or symbol of infinity. Combined they indicate infinite time. The butterfly teaches you that you are the future, for you cause the future. Not only for yourself but for all living things. When you think, you physically manifest your thoughts and they make your world. What is in your heart, in your mind, and in your soul, becomes your world. Your world becomes the world we all share in. All your thoughts, become words that are attached to your heart. These 'heart thoughts' create all your actions and reactions. Then the heart thoughts grow, becoming your world and the world we all share in. Holding sacred thoughts, given power through your word, will manifest Heaven on Earth. 

The butterfly also shows you that you have nothing to be sorry for, should you carry out the purpose and convictions the Creator gave you in all of your lifetimes, for there is 'Beauty in Passing'. You are reminded of this when the Butterfly flutters by/bye. The passing of a being from this world to the next should be viewed as a thing of beauty and celebration. For in one being, becoming greater, we all grow greater. You never die. Death is a transformation process. When loved ones pass, should you cry longer than the allotted mourning days, you are telling the Creator that you do not believe that you live forever and that you are not His Child. 

The bereavement time is called Mourning, to remind you of the new life dawning, in the Morning of the next World. When you look at the beauty of the setting sun, you are seeing the morning sun of the next world and the morning sun of our relations on the other side of the world. For in this way, we can see the circle of life. The beauty you see at sunrise, is to remind you during Mourning, that Morning, is the time you wake up and the dawning of a new life. When you cry too long, you are crying for yourself, for your lack of faith and understanding caused by your separation from the Creator God. 

Butterflies are wandering spirits. Migration shows you that one Butterfly has the same conviction and destiny as millions of other Butterflies. They are one of a kind. This is their kind and they are one of them. 

Not all butterflies complete the life journey successfully. Being a Great Spirit, they know the importance of the will of their species to fulfil their destiny for the Creator God. They have oneness in purpose and their individual lives are not lived just for themselves, but for the greater good of all. The Great Spirit of the Butterfly teaches Humans that whatever you teach your children in this lifetime, awaits you in your next lifetime. If you concentrate on the individual I, you will become blind to the whole. Like the butterfly, wherever you stop, you too should make everything more beautiful because of your passing. Life is continual and you never die. Like the Butterfly, you will receive a new body in the next life, for your spirit to flow through. You will be transformed and made new! 

To many Peoples throughout the World the Butterfly has long represented, eternal love. God's eternal love for us. The next time you watch a Butterfly flutter by/bye, remember how much the Creator loves all His Children, and like the butterfly you will fly in freedom and victory. 

May you also fly in beauty.

Written by Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk 
Also known as Lightening Woman

In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may I walk
Beautiful will I possess again
Beautiful birds, joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk
With dew about my feet may I walk
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walkIn old age wondering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk
All is finished in beauty, All is finished in Beauty.

Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety. Copyright October 1, 1996