Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sacred White Messengers

Many have asked for a Spiritual Teaching on the significance of the
Sacred White Ones.

Then I saw the picture of this Dead one...Ok this made me sick. Now I am not blaming this on the One that shot the Deer but on a Society that Can not teach Spiritual Lessons on the Sacredness of Life, where War and Killing gets more Press and Prestige. Something is really out of Balance and needs correcting.

These Rare White Ones are the Great Spirits Messengers, that We were told would Re-Appear to announce the End and Renewal of the Great Cycle of Time when the Ends of Time meets the New Beginning of Time.

Said in a Christian way "What was in the Beginning WILL be in the End."

Many do not know that they are Living in the Crossroad of Time where each day their Walk and Talk will make or break their Life. What One holds in their Mind and Heart for Others is the Justice that will Manifest in their/your Life.

Life is Sacred! Life is more important that Money and Comfort. After All this Time We were supposed to Learn how to Walk in a Whole/Holy Way. Concentrate on Love, Faith, Hope and Peace. Keep these in Your Mind and Heart. All are One!

What is done to One is done to All. All are Our Relations! We are One! Peace.

Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk  
Oct. 2. 2014

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