Sunday, November 9, 2014

New World Order or Spiritual Oneness

I am sharing this to counter the Fear that is growing on the Earth around the rise of the New World Order. Counter to Man's New World Order is the Universal Plan of God, for Spiritual Oneness.

There is a difference in the Oneness of the Great Spirit of the Creator God and the New World Order of Man.  The Evil One (Satan, Anti-christ, Devil) only knows how to lie and has NEVER had an original thought.  Every lie that he shares is built on a Truth.  To make you stumble and fall he must distort what is good.  His last attempt in this Age is the concept for a New World Order for the corrupt World of Man.  Believe that this concept would be a feeble attempt by World Governments to uphold their corrupt Monetary Systems and maintain a degree of constraint over the Masses, and pertains to the Material/Physical state and raised through the Falsehoods of Religion and Cults.  Only the Elect will not be afraid....The beast Rev. 13:8  Rev.17:8

The Almighty God, Great Spirit and Creator of All Life, has a different plan.  God's plan is based on Love, Peace, and Justice.  We look forward to the Spiritual Oneness of All of the Children of God, which will gather with One mind, One Heart and One Soul, called from Every Tribe, Culture, and Nation.  These Children will unite as a Nation of Nations. Oneness in the Divine Order is a natural state that the Spiritually aligned or Purified and elevated Children of God naturally try to attain...through Faith, walking in a Sacred way, and entering the Narrow Path, clean and purified attained through Almighty God's Grace/Enlightenment/Christ.

As One way rises, another Way falls.  This happens at the same time...over lapping...the ebb and flo/balance/yin/yang/spiritual warfare/physical God makes All things happen, inviting   people to choose All action through the thoughtful use of free will, intent, meditation and prayer.  Evil Plots and God Defends!  He defends His Children, poor, needy, and Repentant, so the righteous can Praise and Worship His Holy Name and Mighty Works.  Every thought, word, and action will be to God's Glory and Good.

Choose to establish the Spiritual Oneness of the Children of Earth and the Peace of our Holy God and Sovereign Lord, our Creator, Great and Holy Spirit, our Preserver and Redeemer!  So live like the Kingdom is here now, Heaven on Earth, even as Wars rage around us. For we were taught to Walk in Peace and Love our nieghbour.  Eph. 2:14-17  Walk in Holy Ways. Walk in Beauty and Peace.

Love Always and Live Forever!

New World Order

The new World Order is based on War and the Financial concepts of the Trilateral Commission, G Nations and Empiracle Unions, the Corporate Elite and their followers.  Greed, Consumption and Un-quentionable Desire are sold as Ideals to base a Lifestyle on.  Quote: "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991."  Earthly Profit and False Power is the elite's normal.

The "Bottom line" (interesting term) is more important than LIFE.  When calculating the financial forecasts, Loss of Life is factored in and statistical data collected to forcast how much Loss of Life is ethical and how much insurance, law suits and fines will effect the bottom line.  This is taught as normal business procedure.  LIFE in the World of Man has become meaningless.

Here is a scary quote:  "One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of Gods selection process for planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." Psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard - member and futurist/strategist of Task Force Delta; a United States Army think tank. (again they talk of Selection of superior species) "People are the cause of all the problems; we have too many of them."  is quoted far too often by far too many and sets up mankind for the Evil One to do away With those that are found 'wanting'...and those that unknowingly/unthinkingly work for Evil.  Is this Conspiracy, Policy or Prophesy?

Quote:"The world has cancer, and the cancer is man." A. Gregg, Mankind at the Turning Point  The real cancer are the wrong thoughts that teach hardness of heart and lack of compassion for others. "Because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold" (Matt. 24:12 R.V.) It is a dangerous world when EGO says you are better than any other person. This gives rise to dictators and enables them to enact policies to rid the world of whatever they deem doesn't fit into their vision however warped it may be.  Remember that Purpose was given to each and every One.  All were made in the Image of God.

The New World Order seeks to control of People through their worship of idols and false profits/prophets.  Where they put their trust and hopes in persons, not God.  The rise of Secularism, Atheism and anti- Religion unless the religion has to do with Science and Technology.  No one has the right to restrict how another worships God.  Like the different trees in a forest, each one is given a different purpose and way to worship, as they stand side by side, in harmony.

Freedoms are constrained and basic Human rights ignored.  Super Prisons are the reforms sold to the beleaguered Populaces and secret torture chambers are called national Security must-haves, while Amnesty Protocols are ignored.  The average citizen lives in fear of the neighbors who have no recourse to Mental Health Facilities due to cut backs.

The feeding of Fear of the unknown and loss of creature comforts and the enslavement of the indebted (based on the with-holding of food and medicines by the World Food cartels).   Break down is the social order of the day....Sovereignty issues are ignored and through Court Precedent eroded and if at all possible erased.  Borders are moved and through social unrest often mitigated for Corporate take-overs of Natural Resources with-in countries, while the 'neighbors' help sending national armies to invade or internal governments invoke martial law to restore order. All these actions further erode a Nations freedom, in "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece".

Quote: "The depression was the calculated shearing of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank." Curtis Dall, FDRs son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law.  America is now becoming aware of how deeply the New Era Depression is.  Be aware that the New World Order is the Band Leader of this newly sung and well orchestrated Financial breakdown to enable the New World Order take-over.

Quote:"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S.A.  They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government." Harpers, July l958

Quote:"Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order." Mikhail Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations (December 1988)

Quote:"The new world order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all." Nelson Mandela, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 1994)

Quote: "Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing the new elite at the top of a new hierarchy of power." M. N. Rothbard.  No one really wants to give up their creature comforts, mass luxury and empire building. Re-Building when the natural World is screaming for us to stop...climate changes are a form of the Earth in Protest. Constant consumption based on Greed, Envy, one ever seems satisfied.  Keep the masses over-whelmed, divert their focus, and tax them to the nines.

People are brainwashed and trained to seek outside/external gratification.  Teachings of Secularism are lifted up by mass media and Vanities based on Self-gratification and Personal Empires are presented as right and good.  The rule of Have and Have-not is proclaimed to be natural. Entertainment and Thrills are sold as teachings of Knowledge and Wisdom.  Children are trained by Technology into desensitized warriors, that ultimately are more loyal to who can pay them with food, money and drugs rather than learn about familial pride and national unity.  Loss of innocence is exchanged for instinctual survival.

Stirring up sentiments for One religion, ideology, over another is an illusion and falsehood...often politically and monetarily motivated. This is for the purpose of War and is needed to maintain present economic policy. Desire creates unnecessary Want. Four evils keep the engine of the World of Man running.  War, Oil, Drugs and Money.  War creates Want.  Want for Oil to keep the War machines running and the Machines at War.  Want for  Money, Food, Energy/Oil and Drugs. Money is the fuel needed to stoke the Wars for Oil/energy, Food, Drugs.  Drugs are wanted to dull the Pain of the War that caused the Pain of Want.  Drugs fuel the masses to fight for Oil, Gold, Diamonds, resources that keeps the Money in motion. Or stated in another way, Money is needed for the Oil for the War machine that keeps the masses unaware and unfeeling with the Drugs they War over.  The War of Drugs seems personal when Need for more Drugs or Money becomes the greatest desire.  The Masses disillusioned, become Lost in Drug Wars, personal sticks of wood, fuel for the Evil World of Man.  Desire to participate in the Wars is sold and economic illusion becomes policy for War.  So how much of your life is enmeshed in the snare of War and how are you participating or are you running headless on the treadmill of War?

As in all war the populace is turned against one and other, trust is killed and "Big Brother is watching you".
This is a red flag that the Evil One is about to or has started his reign (study what happened just before Hitler came to power).  We report on each other in new ways that seem harmless yet erode the Individuals Privacy as everyone records, takes pictures, videos, and spies on each other, gathering future information to use against each other when squeezed.  When darkness is held in One's thoughts, everyone that One 'sees' is reflected through the filter of the evil held in the weakest chambers of the un-purified heart and mind.

People are taught to be cynical and ignore their own laws, such as the United Declaration of Human Rights that states it will "recognize and respect the freedom of the Individual to profess and practice, alone or in community with others, religious belief acting in accordance with the dictates of his or her own conscious."  Finale Act of Helsinki section VII

The World of Man teaches that to believe or have a weakness and Truth must be truth only if it is scientifically proven by 'experts'.  Mystery must be explained and theory abounds as the Earth is turned inside out while looking for hidden treasures while spewing out the past sins of nations, that lay buried beneath the sands of time and were covered over by God on purpose. Miracles are taught to be fallacies and the meek or common People are superstitious fools that need to be educated and made to conform to the New World Order's vision for a  Perfect Society where everyone thinks in the same way.  Heaven help those that do not think they were made to be worker/slaves!

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17 Dr. Paul Lewes in his book, A Key to Christian Origins (1932) wrote: Quote The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the [Greek] number of Jesus (Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6...+36 = 666)". Dr. Ellen Aitken said: “Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast. It's probably about 100 years before any other version." (on a personal note, I believe the 616, that it is the number of Caligula)

The book of Revelation in the Bible gives us this strong warning:

“If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10

If you get the mark of the beast God’s complete wrath will be poured out on you.  You are either for God or against Him.  There is no fence sitting in this Plan. Great pressure will be on you  to conform to their New world order example. You belong to God or the Beast/Evil One.

I am sure the New World Order has more in the way of plans.

Spiritual Oneness

God always preserves a Remnant; something out of catastrophe on which to rebuild.  As One watches or participates in  the human drama of life emergencies and traumas caused by Climate Change, or the Re-alignment of Earth during this Time of Purification, it is reassuring to know that God is in Control.  The Physical World will change greatly and we are to rise up in our Spiritual relationships seeking God and assisting each Other.

The Chosen of God after seeking His Arm of Protection will live in unbroken Security and Peace as He renews All Oneness in His Love through His Covenants, Laws and Reign.  Choosing Peace and natural consequence will show One's surrender to His Will.  His Will will be done!

"Change the speech of People's to a pure speech."  Zephaniah 3:9  Go back to Living His Word by Living your Word, and pledging your allegiance to the Living God!  Impress the Creator of All Life more than each other.  As each One strives to Live in ways pleasing to the Creator God, God's 'living nature' is restored in the 'eyes' of those that turned away, as He takes retribution.  The Creator of All Oneness will act to bring all Lands to Himself, for every One and every Thing is rightfully His.

John  17:23-24   and Ephesians 1:4-5

Money is not a priority in decision making...LIFE is!  Life is Sacred.  Strive to live a good life. What One holds in their Mind and heart for Others is the Judgment they will receive. All will be judged by the Laws they live by.  Romans 2:5-6  remember Always that God is the Judge of All Life.

Freedom and Free Will are upheld as a Human's Right.  All are equal in the Sacred Circle of Life.  The limitations of Race (there is only One race of Human) and Privilege will be destroyed as God's Chosen People are restored nationally.  As is typical of all the enemies of God, those who oppose His People and defy His Rule, in the past and now, God will take steps to pull down.  The mighty will be ousted from their seats of power and God will once again lift up the Meek/Humble. (We are seeing some of that now as more corruption is exposed and the general populace is made aware of their own greed and lifestyle choices.)  There will be Victory of the humble in God over the false pride of the ungodly, transforming the people who call upon His Holy Name (God has many Holy Names).  So Let Go and Let God!  He will do what needs to be done.  Each individual just needs to do the best in their life each day in the present moment, living as if God is sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear through each moment of the day, directing you through your walk. Stay in Oneness with His Holy Spirit pouring His Love through you.

Sovereignty will be re-established to God's Promises and Plans.  There is a promise of a !,000 years of a Peace-full existence. Spiritual Order and re-alignment is based on Sacred Mountains, Rivers of Life and Natural territorial Tribal affiliations (just means based on Family, Land and Love). Tribalism is the Only government God naturally gave to Mankind.  Tribalism worked well for 10,000 years.  In Prophesy it is Tribal Nations that will be restored.  Living in Spiritual Oneness will re-established Tribalism (not the concept of how the world sees tribalism today) as a form of government based on Spiritual concepts that were given to Mankind in the Beginning established by the Great Spirit of God and based on the Family concepts of Oneness and natural growth.  We were to grow greater in Spirit to be reconciled to God. Call upon the Lord through Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer for His Divine Guidance.  Work to unite your Spiritual Family and pray for your Physical Family.  Dream of the restoration of Heaven on Earth, for what you do here determines whether you will live in the Heaven in Heaven.  "For God so Loved the World he gave His only Son (His most precious Gift), that who so ever believes (has Faith) in Him will have eternal life (live Forever)." John 3:16

Universal Spiritual Oneness is based on the Laws of Love for All Life. The object of God's Love is Universal.  It is also Sacrificial.  You sacrifice for others in Love for them.  You share what you are able to share; meaning the sharing of food, medicine, adequate housing, and the protection of every culture's Children is a priority. Think of every Child as your own Child. How a Society cares for its' Children demonstrates that societies Heart and Mind. "What one does to the least of these One does to me." The Children are our Future.  Your Family Lines (the next Seven Generations) come through your Children.  That thought alone should make every Adult realize how precious they are and how important it is to teach them Righteousness and Goodness.  For what they dream of will manifest as the World we share in.  If they live and dream fear, a World of fear and darkness will be our future.  If they share a dream of Love and Light, beautiful will be the World we live in.

To become like a Child we have to see (spiritually) in Innocence.  One needs to remind themselves of God's Forgiveness of Others and see others as innocent, allowing People the room to seek forgiveness, to change and grow.  Ask yourself if you are usurping God when you cannot forgive the person that has asked forgiveness.  For if in contrition they have received God's Mercy and Grace, who are you to hold back your forgiveness?  Let retribution come from the Lord.  We were instructed to Love One and Others.

The care of the Earth, our natural environment, should be a priority for those seeking to Live as a Child of God for who are we too destroy all that God made?  Life and All of the Great Spirits (rock, plant, animal, crawling, winged, swimming life) were Created by God.  That makes All Life Sacred too!   The Land One lives on is a gift for your use and will be left to those that follow you.  Treat the Earth with respect. Taking life and wasting none, means using as little as possible...what is needed for survival...Walking Softly (Buffalo, Bamboo, Tree teaching)...the old way!  The Earth will naturally keep the populations of Mankind in Balance, without our meddling. This has been scientifically proven!!!  The Creator God has provided more than adequate supplies of everything to sustain the People's of the Earth. We just do not know how to share and over-power the evil desires of Greed, Lust, and Theft with-in ourselves and in Others.  So NO need to "help" maintain population levels...through population control, gene or virus manipulation, genocide, ethnocide etc.

All Promises/Prophesy of God will be matter what Tribe one belongs to.  God gave his Word, His Promise and His Covenants and His Laws to guide us.  Remember that even in the Ocean with raging waters all around, for those He Loves, He will make the Path known.  We just have to Walk in Faith and Obedience.  The Earth is the heart and love of God and She will not be destroyed by pathetic human folly.  Quote:  "There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine . . . been here 4 1/2 billion years. We've been here, what, a 100,000 years, maybe 200,000. And we've only been engaged in heavy industry a little over 200 years. 200 years versus 4 1/2 billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow were a threat? The planet isn't going away. We are." George Carlin

Quote: "The Environmentalists Dream is an Egalitarian Society based on: rejection of economic growth, a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally." Aaron Wildavsky  Many want the ideal yet are unwilling to Sacrifice for the Love and welfare of Others.  The 'green revolution' is a starting point.

Staying in Harmony is key to One's is One's purification in Spirit and the cleansing of One's Body and Mind of every un-natural concept (seeing the difference is the first step)  as One prepares to meet a Holy God one needs to be as whole/holy as possible.  Sharing, Hope, Caring, Love. Respect, Humility, Courage are practiced and needed as One learns to be satisfied from within.  Put off the old you and be remade, become new!  For the Traditional teachings that explain this concept think of the Spiritual teachings of the Butterfly, the Bear, the Phoenix. Quote; "There is no food in our world granted to her...She sips from the fine ambrosial dew from the heavenly nectar which has fallen from the star-bearing pole." Lactantius, The Minor Works.  All around each and every One of us, the Great and Holy Spirit of God placed a hundred teachers.  The birds are here to teach us not the other way around.  That said, so are all things natural, all people in your view, all that come before you, all Life is One teaching from the most Holy One to You.  It will never be said that One was not given the opportunity to learn how to Live in Harmony with All Life.  One chooses what one wants to focus on.

In Spiritual Oneness, God's Children will be gathered together, from the Four Corners of the Earth. One Family serving One God...through Faith. The Almighty God through the natural world and natural processes will select who lives and who dies!!!!  Man is made in the Image of God.  Therefore Man/Mankind is Sacred.  No need to control the population, as All Life is Sacred. The most difficult thing for Mankind is to stop themselves from destroying and altering what the Creator God made perfect. A Perfect God doesn't or didn't make any mistakes. We need to re-learn how to stop doing.  Protect what is there without interfering.  Mind the business in your own space.

"They overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Rev. 12:11). "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" Matthew 10:28. The Creator will reveal His spiritually chosen/elect to guide His He has Always done. Awake and arise all you who are asleep!

Thinking that One can stay in the middle won't wash this time around.  This Prophesied Universal Shift/Judgement Day/Re-alignment/Polar Shift is personal and universal...for All Life.   All MY Relations!

Quote "The secret to David McTaggarts (early officer in Greenpeace) success is the secret to Greenpeace's success: It doesn't matter what is true. . .it only matters what people believe is true . . .You are what the media define you to be. [Greenpeace] became a myth, and a myth-generating machine." Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

All myths have a foundation in Truth.

Written by Dr. Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk

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